Twinco - home of the original Stepstool

What´s on your Agenda?
Here´s the new ones from TWINCO

Four new models and formats! 5108, 5109, 5116 & 5136
See measurements and specifications here

S5116 is perfect for giftcards and can easily be moved around the store
Give your feet a break!
The "luxury" model 3121 TWIN ERGONOMIC Footrest, is back in stock! essential for wellbeing at the office, and with its solid build quaility, the 3121 TWIN ERGONOMIC Footrest will take good care of your feet and legs for years!

Autum offer in September:
Right now we have a excllent offer for you on our red TWIN EASY STEP Stepstool.
Price € 13,50/pcs. excl. VAT and transport

   TWINCO Solution ApS is on Facebook - we would love to see you there!
Our office address is:
TWINCO Solution ApS - Fuglebækvej 2C, 1 - DK-2770 Kastrup
Phone No. +45 7877 3587

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