We add two news of brochure holders, which are flexible,
usable and with high quality. 


The mobile and compact

Item no.: 5341-11
The mobile and compact TWIN LIGHT Z-Shape can be place wherever you want. The brochure holder is very useful as it can folded and brought to a trade fair etc. 
The holder is very user-friendly and easily mounted with a single lift at the top. Easy and delicious!

The smart and transportable
TWIN LIGHT Floor Stand Fold

Item no.: 5340-11

Our TWIN LIGHT Fold allows you to package catalogues and the brochure holder together in one. The holder´s acrylic shelves present your brochures in a nice and easy way. 
TWIN LIGHT Fold is made of solid materials, such as aluminum and acrylic, ensuring a high quality brochure holder.

Present your brochures elegantly with a solution from 

Our office address is:
TWINCO Solution ApS - Fuglebækvej 2C, 1 - DK-2770 Kastrup
Phone No. +45 7877 3587

Our mailing address is:
info@twincosolution.dk - www.twinco.dk

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